February 9, 2022 — Amprius has shipped the first commercially available 450 Wh/kg, 1150 Wh/L lithium-ion battery cells to an industry leader of a new generation of High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS).
Amprius Technologies Ships First Commercially Available 450 WH/KG, 1150 Wh/L Batteries
Fremont, CA – February 08, 2022 — Amprius Technologies, Inc., the leader in Silicon Anode Li-Ion battery cells with its Si-NanowireTM platform, today announced the shipment of the first commercially available 450 Wh/kg, 1150 Wh/L lithium ion battery cells to an industry leader of a new generation of High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS).
Amprius Ships First 450 Wh/kg, 1150 Wh/l Battery Cells
February 11, 2022 — Amprius Technologies announced the shipment of the first commercially available 450 Wh/kg, 1150 Wh/L lithium-ion battery cells. They will be used in a new generation of High-Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS). According to the company, those are the first commercially available battery cells with such a high energy density.
A new silicon battery design just beat Tesla’s energy density
February 14, 2022 — After the first batch of commercially available lithium-ion battery cells were shipped out last week, Amprius Technologies is being called the “leading provider of the highest energy density cells available.”